The Role of Enzymes ​in the Body and ​Their Importance

Enzymes are essential proteins that act as catalysts, facilitating ​every chemical reaction necessary for life. They are the foundation ​of life, enabling the body to efficiently utilize nutrients from the ​food we consume.

The Importance of Enzymes

Cellular Metabolism

Enzymes maintain balanced cellular metabolism. When cellular metabolism is ​stressed or chronically out of balance, enzyme supplementation may be ​necessary to restore harmony.

Digestive Health

  • Pepsin: A crucial digestive enzyme that ​breaks down proteins in the stomach.
  • Stomach Acid (HCL): Low levels of HCL ​require supplemental digestive enzymes ​to aid in the breakdown of food.
  • Pancreatic Health: Insufficient enzymes ​can weaken the pancreas, leading to ​digestive issues and other health ​problems.

Types of Digestive Enzymes

Understanding the specific roles of different types of digestive enzymes helps in ​understanding the role each plays in the body. If the body is deficient in one one ​of these enzymes, the body may have an issue breaking down that particular ​type of food and cause subsequent health issues. Here is a list of the most ​known digestive enzymes.:

  • Protease: Breaks down proteins.
  • Amylase: Breaks down carbohydrates.
  • Lipase: Breaks down fats.
  • Lactase: Breaks down dairy and lactose.
  • Cellulase: Breaks down plant fibers (not ​produced by the pancreas; obtained ​from food).
  • Invertase: Breaks down sucrose found ​in cane and beet sugar.
  • Maltase: Breaks down maltose (sugar ​found in bread and carbs).
  • Alpha-Galactosidase: Breaks down ​beans.

Click here to learn if you ​have an enzyme ​deficiency

Why You Need Enzymes

Enzyme Potential and Pancreatic Health

The body possesses a finite "enzyme potential," meaning the pancreas can ​produce only a limited amount of enzymes throughout a lifetime. Overproduction ​due to enzyme-depleted foods can enlarge the pancreas, leading to long-term ​health issues.

Raw Organic Foods as a ​Source of Enzymes

Consuming raw, organic foods provides ​essential enzymes that help the body ​efficiently break down food. Enzymes from ​food reduce the burden on the pancreas ​and enhance overall health.

Impact of Enzyme ​Deficiency and Health Risks

Enzyme deficiencies occur when the body lacks sufficient levels of specific enzymes necessary for ​various metabolic processes. These deficiencies can lead to incomplete a range of health issues, ​depending on the enzyme involved. For example, lactase deficiency can cause lactose intolerance, ​leading to gastrointestinal symptoms, while more severe enzyme deficiencies, like those affecting ​metabolic pathways, can result in genetic disorders, such as phenylketonuria. Understanding enzyme ​deficiency is crucial, as it can increase the risk of chronic conditions, malnutrition, and organ ​dysfunction if left unaddressed. Here are some common, lesser known, results of enzyme deficiency.

  • Leukocytosis: Consuming cooked, enzyme-depleted ​food triggers an immune response, increasing white ​blood cells and stressing the immune system.
  • Pancreatic Swelling: Resulting from the ​overproduction of enzymes due to insufficient intake ​of raw foods.
  • Leaky Gut Syndrome: Undigested food particles ​(chyme) entering the bloodstream can lead to ​Circulating Immune Complexes (CIC) and cause ​inflammation.
  • Intestinal Toxemia: Chyme stagnation in the ​intestines leads to putrefaction, rancidification, and ​fermentation, creating toxins that enter the ​bloodstream.
  • Sugar Cravings: Poor protein digestion leads to ​unstable blood sugar levels, causing sugar cravings.
  • Nutrient Absorption: Digestive enzymes ensure ​proper nutrient absorption, converting food into ​usable building blocks for the body.

How to Increase Enzyme ​Intake

  • Incorporate Raw Foods: You don’t need to adopt a fully raw food diet. ​Simply adding salads or raw vegetables like carrots, celery, and ​cauliflower to your meals can significantly increase enzyme intake.
  • Chew Thoroughly: Proper chewing of raw vegetables is essential for ​releasing their natural enzymes, which support digestion. The digestive ​process begins as soon as food touches your skin, with the body ​releasing enzymes even before you take a bite. Smelling and tasting ​the food trigger further enzyme production, preparing your body to ​break it down efficiently. Contrary to popular belief, digestion starts ​with touch, smell, and taste, long before food reaches the stomach

Supplementing with Enzymes

Benefits of Enzyme Supplementation

  • Universal Need: Enzyme deficiencies are ​widespread due to modern diets. Everyone can ​benefit from supplementing with digestive ​enzymes.
  • Increased Nutritional Intake: Enhanced breakdown ​of food leads to better nutrient absorption.
  • Boosted Energy Levels: Regular enzyme intake ​can reduce food cravings, improve digestion, and ​help the body create its own energy naturally, ​unlike temporary boosts from caffeine or sugar.
  • Supports Overall Health: Enzymes are a universal ​necessity for breaking down food in today’s ​nutrient-depleted world, making them essential for ​everyone.

Long-term Effects

  • Reduced Food Intake: People who ​take enzymes regularly may need ​less food and experience more ​energy.
  • Natural Energy Production: Enzymes ​help create energy components like ​ATP, supporting sustained energy ​levels without the crash associated ​with stimulants like caffeine.

Common Enzyme ​Misconceptions

1. Doesn't the Body Make Enzymes?

  • Limited Production: While the body does ​produce enzymes, the pancreas has a finite ​"enzyme potential." The liver manufactures ​metabolic enzymes from digested proteins, but ​this requires fully digested protein as raw ​material.
  • Dependency on Diet: If proteins are not properly ​digested due to insufficient enzyme activity, ​partially digested proteins (chyme) can become ​toxic and enter the bloodstream, leading to health ​issues.
  • Pancreatic Health: Studies show that consuming ​enzyme-depleted foods weakens the pancreas.

2. Aren't Supplemental Enzymes Destroyed in the Stomach by ​Hydrochloric Acid (HCL)?

Activation Process: Supplemental enzymes are deactivated in the stomach by HCL but are ​reactivated in the small intestines where they perform their digestive functions.

3. Does Adding More Enzymes Cause the ​Digestive System to Become Lazy?

No Dependency: The body requires enzymes to digest food properly. ​Supplementing enzymes meets this need without causing the body to ​become dependent, as the body will always produce enzymes based on ​dietary intake and pancreatic capacity.

Why Modern Diets Lack ​Enzymes

  • Depleted Soil: Modern agricultural practices like crop rotation have ​reduced soil diversity, diminishing the nutrient and enzyme content ​in plants.
  • Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs): The body often treats GMOs ​as toxins, increasing the need for enzymes to digest them.
  • Food Processing and Irradiation: High heat and radiation used in ​processing destroy enzymes and nutrients, leaving food nutritionally ​depleted.
  • Cooking: Cooking foods above 118°F deactivates their enzymes. ​Incorporating more raw vegetables helps replenish enzyme levels.
  • Microwaving & Pesticides: Both practices destroy enzymes and ​introduce toxins into food, heightening the demand for enzymes to ​detoxify the body.
  • rBGH (Bovine Growth Hormone): Treated as a toxic stressor by the ​body, necessitating increased enzyme use to process it.
  • Antibiotics: Disrupt gut bacteria, forcing enzymes to work harder to ​manage the resulting toxic stressors.

Click here to learn if you ​have an enzyme ​deficiency

Enzymes for Longevity

Expert Insights

  • Dr. Edward Howell, MD: "The length of one's life is ​inversely proportional to the rate of exhaustion of the ​enzyme potential of an organism. Increased use of ​food enzymes promotes a decreased rate of ​exhaustion of the enzyme potential and thus results ​in a longer, healthier, and more vital life."
  • Dr. Karl Ransberger: "If you take enzymes regularly, ​you can arm your body with a natural defense against ​the aging process."
  • Dr. David Greenberg, UCSM: "For optimal health, ​longevity, and reduced risk of disease, the use of ​enzymes should commence around the age of 40 and ​continue for the remainder of one's lifespan."
  • Dr. James B. Sumner, Nobel Prize Winner: "The ​feeling of 'getting old' is due to lower enzyme levels in ​the system [which break down toxic waste] than ​older cells— which are loaded with toxic waste."

Benefits of Regular Enzyme Intake

  • Slows Aging: Maintains enzyme levels, reducing the rate at ​which enzyme potential is exhausted.
  • Supports Healthy Digestion: Ensures efficient nutrient ​absorption and waste elimination.
  • Enhances Vitality: Provides sustained energy and reduces ​the need for excessive food intake.

Enzyme Deficiencies in ​Babies & Young Children

Enzyme deficiencies in babies and young children can significantly impact their ability to digest and ​absorb nutrients. Breast milk naturally contains enzymes like lipase and amylase, which help babies ​digest fats and carbohydrates more easily. These enzymes support immature digestive systems, ​promoting healthy growth and development. In contrast, most formula lacks these beneficial enzymes, ​making it harder for some babies to digest. While formula is designed to mimic breast milk, the absence ​of natural enzymes can sometimes lead to digestive issues, such as gas or constipation, particularly in ​infants with enzyme deficiencies.

Breast Milk vs. Formula

  • Breast Milk: Rich in enzymes, supporting a child’s ​immune system and digestive health.
  • Formula: Lacks enzymes, potentially leading to:
    • Repeated ear infections
    • Colic
    • Allergies

Alternative Options

Goat’s Milk: Can be used as a supplement ​to provide some enzyme benefits not ​present in standard formula.

Manage Enzymes Like a ​Bank Account

Practical Tips on Managing Your Enzymes

  • Balanced Diet: Incorporate both enzyme-rich and raw foods to maintain enzyme balance.
  • Supplement Wisely: Use enzyme supplements to "deposit" when dietary intake is insufficient.
  • Weight Management: Enzymes support a healthy metabolism and can reduce cravings by ​ensuring optimal nutrient absorption, aiding in weight loss.

Understanding Enzyme Balance as ​a ‘Bank Account’

  • Deposits: Think of every enzyme-rich food or ​enzyme supplement you consume as a deposit ​into your enzyme "bank account." These deposits ​increase your enzyme reserves, giving your body ​more resources to break down food and fuel ​various bodily functions.
  • Withdrawals: When you eat processed, ​overcooked, or enzyme-depleted foods, you ​make a withdrawal from your enzyme bank ​account. Your body is forced to pull from its finite ​supply of enzymes to digest those foods, which ​depletes your enzyme reserves.

Why This Matters

Much like a bank account, if you constantly ​make withdrawals without enough deposits, ​you’ll run out of resources—leading to enzyme ​deficiency. This can slow digestion, cause ​fatigue, and stress the pancreas. But by ​consistently making deposits (through raw, ​enzyme-rich foods or supplements), you ​maintain or grow your enzyme reserves, ​supporting better digestion, energy, and ​overall health.


Just as you'd manage your finances carefully to avoid going into debt, it's important to ​manage your enzyme balance to keep your body functioning optimally!

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Your Body Chemistry ​and Enzymes

Cellular Health as the ​Foundation of Overall ​Health

Healthy Cells: Depend on three basic ​elements:

1. Quality of nutrients intake

2. Effective nutrient assimilation

3. Efficient waste removal

Overcoming Cravings ​Naturally

  • Restoring Balance: As enzyme levels ​improve and the body detoxifies, ​cravings for unhealthy substances ​diminish.
  • Sustained Health: Maintaining ​enzyme levels supports cellular ​health, reducing the risk of chronic ​conditions and promoting overall ​well-being.

Detoxification Mechanisms

  • Compromised by Toxins: Modern ​diets introduce numerous toxins that ​burden cellular detoxification ​mechanisms.
  • Built-in Sensors: Our senses detect ​and protect against toxic invaders, ​but over time, exposure can lead to ​cravings and desensitization.

Conclusion: Why ​Enzymes Matter

Enzymes Are the Foundation of Life.

Enzymes are as vital as water, proteins, ​carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and ​vitamins. They act as the "construction ​workers" that facilitate the chemical ​reactions needed to convert food into ​usable nutrients.

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Ensure proper enzyme intake through a diet rich in raw, organic foods or enzyme ​supplements to maintain optimal health and prevent chronic digestive and systemic issues. ​By managing your enzyme levels, you support your body's ability to thrive, age gracefully, ​and maintain high energy levels naturally.

References & Resources

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Book Recommendation

Supplement Recommendation

  • Support your digestive health by using high-quality ​digestive enzymes like BIOptimizers or Enzymedica's ​Digest Gold. These enzymes assist in breaking down ​food, making nutrients more accessible for ​absorption.
  • Certified Raw Milk: For those interested in natural ​enzyme sources, consider incorporating raw milk into ​your diet. Order Certified Raw Milk Here


  • Dr. Edward Howell, MD
  • Dr. Karl Ransberger
  • Dr. David Greenberg, Chairman of Biochemistry ​Department at UCSM, San Francisco
  • Dr. James B. Sumner, Nobel Prize Winner, The Secret ​of Life, Enzymes

About the Author

Elizabeth is dedicated to promoting optimal health ​through natural means. With extensive research on ​enzymes and their impact on the body, Elizabeth aims to ​educate others on maintaining enzyme balance for a ​healthier, longer life.

How is your ​digestion ​and energy ​levels?

Do you suffer from poor digestion ​symptoms, or low energy?

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Syntropy Wellness

551 Trans-Canada Hwy ​Unit 6, Salmon Arm, BC ​V1E 4N6

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